Weight Watchers – Give Yourself a Break

I weighed in today at Weight Watchers and I was up 1.2 pounds.

I’m actually OK with this because it’s my first weigh in post cruise vacation & I was expecting a gain.

I’m actually proud of myself for indulging selectively in the food & drink choices on the cruise – since it could have easily been a 5+ pound gain if I wasn’t paying attention.

The topic for the meeting today was one I really needed – “Give Yourself a Break”

It was about negative self talk and how we criticize ourselves in situations we’d never think of criticizing others.

My mantra for the week is “Forgive yourself! Progress is NOT perfection!”

I’ll also think of my god son asking to “dance with God Mom & God Dad” while we were on the cruise. (I got in movement when I could while on vacation & dancing was one way.)



Back from Vacation & Getting Ready for the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk

I’m back in MA after a relaxing 2 week vacation.

My husband & I flew to Seattle, Washington for 2 days and then took a Royal Caribbean cruise from Seattle to Alaska with our 2 God-kids and their parents. We had an amazing time (and the jet lag I’m dealing with now is worth it)!

Now that I’m back though, I need to get serious about my training for the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk on September 21st.

In 25 days I’ll be walking all 26.2 miles of the Boston Marathon route while raising money for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund.

Want to help me reach my fundraising goal of $1,500 and kick cancer’s behind?

Visit www.jimmyfundwalk.org/2014/daniellekempe

Trying to Focus on Non-Scale Victories

Live Life Active

When I weighed in at Weight Watchers today – I had gained 1.2 pounds.

I was very aggravated – but I’m trying to re-frame and focus on some awesome non-scale victories I had this week instead.

When I was waiting for the WW center to open, I leaned against a wall, and a passerby said “I thought you were a poster!”. I laughed and said “after version, right?” She said, “Yes – the replacement for Jessica Simpson!”

I told her that she’d made my day – no matter what the scale said when I weighed in – so I’m trying to keep that positive attitude.

Yesterday, I was shopping for some clothes for an upcoming cruise vacation. I took in 2 sizes of pants & in every instance, the smaller size was the one that fit! Even if the scale doesn’t show it – all my fitness activity is changing my body shape for the positive!

Finally – it was a huge victory for me to wear sleeveless tanks when I worked out in public 2 times this week. In the past, I’d have been too self conscious to try the workout at all & when I joined November Project – I’d only work out in short sleeve shirts and long workout pants. Now I’ve worn shorts to NP workouts too! Who is this new woman?!

November Project – Week 11 – Destination Deck – Chinatown


Today was my first Monday workout with November Project. Monday mornings are #DestinationDeck and their location changes weekly.

This morning we were asked to gather at the Chinatown gate at 6:25 AM sharp.

I can’t make my normal NP workout day of Wednesday this week, so I switched my schedule to be able to join the workout today.

The workout was split into 3 stations:

1) do 5 burpees while facing the Chinatown gate

2) sprint to the next location to do box jumps on a stone bench (I modified this one to just do step ups.)

3) bear crawl a few feet – then you start the cycle over again.

Monday NP workouts are short but intense.

It was nice to see so many familiar faces this morning and get a great workout in with all of you.


I’m on the top right background of this photo – burpee station

Boston Brunch Runners – Arnold Arboretum

BBR_8.10.14_GroupGroup picture – I’m in the front with the green tank top

On Sunday morning, I met the Boston Brunch Runners at Arnold Arboretum for a 3 mile run.

I was planning to just walk most of the route alone – but to my surprise – 2 BBR members stuck with me saying “we don’t leave anyone behind”. I really appreciated that!

My pacing was crap but I still had a fun morning. I got in 3.5 miles of running and about a mile of walking back from our end point to my car.


Photo of me Elin snapped when I was actually running

The coolest thing about the day though was feeling comfortable enough in my own skin to wear a sleeveless workout tank instead of short sleeves. (It is an August out door workout after all!)

When I saw the group photo. above, posted to Facebook, I thought “Wow! I look like an athlete!”

I may not be losing weight at the speed I’d like to, but my body shape is changing in a positive way.

November Project – Week 10 – Celebrating My Birthday with the Boston Tribe

NP_BirthdayWearing a “Happy 30th Birthday” sash at November Project

As usual, November Project was fun this morning!
I’ve been told that people born in August have attention seeking tenancies. I have no idea where people get that from…..(Obviously kidding – I wore a sash during the workout!)

This morning, those of us who weren’t racing but were just looking for a good workout were asked to jog to section 11 and begin at section 10. The goal was to get in at least 3 sets of 10 sections. Jogging back to section 10 when we got to section 1 and finished 10 sections of stairs,

Bojan described the plan as “like a typewriter” which made me chuckle to myself, thinking “I doubt most people here have ever used a typewriter.”

I had hoped that I could get in 30 sections in honor of my 30th birthday – but my legs weren’t moving as fast as I would have liked them to this morning. I got in 21 sections, which isn’t my best, but it’s better than sleeping in and skipping a workout.

Many fellow climbers wished me a “happy birthday” as they passed me and I greatly appreciated this version of support.

I’m looking forward to the photos from today because I know a few different people got pictures of me climbing with my sash.

Birthday’s are a big deal at NP. Just before the group picture, everyone who’s celebrating a birthday is asked to stand. Then, as each of us share our name with the group, the group points and shouts “Boom”. I was overjoyed with my birthday boom this morning! My friend Mike even took the photo above (without me noticing) of just before the “boom”.

I wouldn’t want to celebrate this milestone birthday with anyone else. Thank you November Project for making me a part of your Boston tribe.

NP_Birthday2Me & Jess L. –

my awesome friend/running coach and the woman who got me to #JustShowUp at November Project

Weight Loss

I was down a pound when I weighed in at Weight Watchers today – bringing me to 27 pounds lost total.

It was a bitter-sweet meeting though, because it’s the last meeting I’m attending at the Framingham WW center at 12:15 PM on Tuesdays because Weight Watchers has canceled our meeting.

I’d grown to like Judy, the leader who took over the meeting when our previous leader passed away. (Sad note – at least 3 people in the meeting room today didn’t know Karen had died so when it was mentioned in the meeting as part of why the meeting time is closing, these 3 were understandably in shock.)

I’m happy that the WW August routine is all about working activity into our lives, because I’m all about that. (It’s pretty much why this blog exists!)

The meeting topic also asked today about what’s on our “Summer Activity Must Do List” and for me that’s the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk in September.

I’ll be walking all 26.2 miles of the Boston Marathon route while raising funds to fight cancer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

If you’d like to support my fundraising with a donation, my fundraising page is http://www.jimmyfundwalk.org/2014/daniellekempe

As far as other summer fitness activities go…keep reading this blog to find out!

(Spoiler Alert – they’ll definitely be many work outs with November Project.)

Rev + Om at Sports Club LA – SweetGreen Passport

Rev+OMLast night, I had a wicked fun workout at Sports Club LA thanks to SweetGreen!

Rev + Om is a hybrid class of spin followed by yoga.

The spin studio had a giant TV screen behind the instructor – which played music videos. It was great! It felt like we were spinning while watching MTV (back when it still played music videos).

The class started with the inspiring quote below showing on the TV screen

ObsessesI feel that way about November Project & I don’t mind at all friends calling me “obsessed”.

Unfortunately, my stomach was giving me a little trouble last night. After the spin class I skipped the yoga in favor of a rest room and then heading home.

I’m sure the yoga portion of the class was great too but I’ve learned that I need to listen to my body when it comes to what fitness activity is appropriate.

Thanks to Rachel at SweetGreen for organizing another great free fitness class!

CitySolve Urban Race Boston


On Saturday, my husband Dave & I competed in City Solve Urban Race Boston. It’s our 2nd year competing and it’s pretty fun.

It’s kind of like a scavenger hunt around Boston & you race to finish first.

When you arrive at the start, you’re given a clue and multiple choice answers. Then you need to run to the location mentioned in the correct answer to get the game clue sheets.

This year the question was “which of these bands are NOT from Boston” and gave multiple choice answers.

There are 10 clues to the game and you’re allowed to skip one, but 3 clue locations are mandatory and can’t be skipped. I like the way the clues are worded because a lot of it is stuff you can google but that alone will not get you a correct answer. For one example, you needed to know a bunch of numbers (year of Matt Damon’s birth; “Sports Hub” radio station number) and then insert those numbers into a math problem to get you an address on Boylston street to go to for your challenge.

Our strategy is to solve all the clues first, then eliminate the location that’s the farthest away from the rest of the route. Last year, there were clue locations all over Boston but this year they seemed much closer to each other so it wasn’t an obvious choice for which to skip.

At the locations the clues lead you to you need to either compete an activity or just take a picture of your whole team and the location (sign, statue, etc).

There are also bonus photos that take time off your overall finishing time, but this year we didn’t do any of those. (We figured if we’d spend more time finding the item to take a photo with than we’d save in the time bonus, it wasn’t worth it.)

One of the challenges was to identify candle scents. I didn’t take any allergy medicine that morning (oops) so my sense of smell was gone. I told the people at that challenge, “I probably couldn’t even smell a garbage truck right now!” So, Dave tried his hand but could only identify 1 of 4 candle scents. We asked what we have to do if we couldn’t identify another and were told “30 push ups”. I said, “OK! I do November Project! I’ve got this!” and started 30 push ups right away. Then they said all team members had to and Dave joined me. (Sorry honey!) We finished and ran off to our next location.


The jerks who made us do push ups – my husband & me

We won’t know what place we finished in till CitySolve blogs about the Boston race. We’ve been told that will be on Wednesday.  Edit: We came in 11th out of 45 registered teams!

We had a good time, despite the rain.

We only had 2 complaints for the day –

1) One of the clues was wrong and incorrectly said something was near Central Square when they meant Kenmore. Luckily I’d ignored the part of the clue that said where the store was near because I knew the store, Nuggets in Kenmore Sq.

2) We were forced to either fundraise $10 for Youth Build or donate it ourselves. This was a mandatory challenge.

I work in nonprofit fundraising for a living and even I wasn’t comfortable asking someone to donate $10 to a nonprofit I learned of for the 1st time that day.

Dave & I ended up donating $10 out of our own pocket.

Last year, the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network was the charity City Solve worked with. (I’m a YNPN member.) YNPN did NOT have any fundraising in their challenges last year and they ended up donating what was raised to One Fund Boston instead of keeping it for YNPN!

All and all though, it was a fun day and I ended up earning 9 Weight Watchers Activity points for all our running/walking through Boston. We started near North Station then went all the way to Kenmore Sq to complete challenges.

Thanks again to Yelp Boston for sponsoring City Solve and giving me & Dave spots to compete!

You can read Dave’s view of the day at his blog: CitySolve Boston Recap