Riveter Run

On Labor Day, I dressed up and walked 3.1 miles around Cape Cod (slow intentionally to be a tourist) as part of the Riveter Run virtual event.

As some of you know, my grandmother is a Rosie (worked during WWII). She is also the MA chapter president of the American Rosie the Riveter Association.

Here’s our family of 3 stopping for a caffeine break

In the pandemic, I’ve been having trouble getting my fitness in – so what works for me is being active as a family.

Walks around the zoo, aquarium, outside, etc – still count as activity, even if they’re at toddler speed.

Here’s hoping next year on Labor Day it will be safe to host a bell ringing honoring the Rosies again.

Stop the Stigma 5K

One mile of my 5k walk (before my phone ran out of battery – oops)

May is mental health awareness month.

I am a firm believer in the “mental health is health” movement.

I am also a proud Major Depression survivor.

That doesn’t just happen and therapy and medication are what helped me. Whatever helps you – get help! Don’t suffer in silence.

Stop the Stigma 5k benefits Interfaith Social Services and their mental health counseling. This is the first time the event had to go virtual – due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I raised $350 and if you would like to donate, visit interfaithsocialservices.org

I walked on Monday of Memorial Day at Abigail Adams Park in Weymouth. My husband and daughter joined me for some of the walk.

The walk was scenic but a bit surreal due to being in a pandemic still!

Unseasonably cold in May
Coronavirus safety sign
Wait for me Mom!!!
Flowers and water view

I’m glad I am back being active and it’s great to have my daughter involved. (She turns 2.5 this month! I feel like I blinked and time jumped.)

In my work life, I got a new nonprofit fundraising job a week before MA issued their stay at home advisory in March. Working from home (part time) with my daughter home too requires a lot of scheduling around her sleep – but our family of 3 is getting through fine. We’re grateful.

Personal Training

I’ve hired a personal trainer to help me get back to a fitness routine.
I’m super excited because the trainer is my friend Jess Lanzoni.


Me & Jess post November Project workout on my birthday in August 2014.

My first workout with Jess as my personal trainer was Wednesday.

It was a great first session – setting goals and then getting in baseline fitness levels.

I ran a little over a 1/2 mile in 12 minutes – so one of my goals is to work on that speed till I feel comfortable running for most of the ZOOMA 10K in late September.

I haven’t been on a scale since my daughter was born. She’s 6 months old now. I estimated my weight over 20 pounds higher than it turned out to be when I stepped on a scale at the gym! I’m happy that I’m back under 200 pounds. I did not set any weight loss related goals because I want to get back to feeling fit again.

Another of my goals is to work on my cardio endurance so I don’t feel winded when I push a stroller up hills during hikes or when I return to November Project Friday hill workouts.

I was proud of my performance on baseline arm strength related tests. Carrying around a 14 pound child daily got my arm muscles in shape more than I’d realized.

I look forward to great workouts and checking in here to share progress updates.

Self Defense Class

Quincy Police recently offered a 2 day women’s self defense class. I’m so glad I attended!

It was a great refresher of the skills I learned from a Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) class I took back in college,

Self Defense

The second night we tested our skills against the cops in the red man suits acting as attackers.

I cried at how many Mom’s and daughters were taking the class together.

According to one of the instructors the most dangerous time in a woman’s life attack wise is pregnancy thru the first year of your child’s life.

I took the class to be sure I stay safe and get home to my 5 month old. Also want to be safe when baby and I are strolling.

Quincy Police will be offering this free course again in September & I’d happily take it again if any of you reading want to join me but don’t want to take the class alone!

I’m also going to be taking the pepper spray training class offered by Quincy PD in September as well.

Vivacious Life Retreat – 4/29


Ladies in MA, what are you doing on 4/29?

You should join Vivacious Life for their women’s only one day retreat.

My friend Laura founded this company after writing her book F*ck Skinny.

Here’s the schedule for 4/29:

8:00am-9:00am – Wake-up and Flow Yoga

9:00am-10:00am – Light Breakfast and gathering in the Sun Room

10:15am-11:30am – Welcome and Taming Your Inner Critic with Coach Caitlin Green


12:00pm-1:30pm – Cooking Is Not Rocket Science and Lunch with Chef Danielle DeSiato


2:00pm-3:00pm – The Sweet Science You Need to Break Your Sugar Addiction with Coach Laura J. Ingalls

4:00pm – Check-Out

If you’re interested but cost is an issue, let me know.

Boston Sports Clubs Salutes First Responders in Boston


I am constantly in awe of first responders in the Boston area.

I watch the show Boston EMS on ABC (in it’s second season – I recommend it).

I have an Uncle that’s a firefighter in MA & his wife, my Aunt & God Mother, is a 911 operator in the same city.

So, with love of first responders in my heart, I wanted to spread the word that Boston Sports Clubs is honoring first responders with free memberships in August.

Boston Sports Clubs is honoring the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to save the lives of others by deeming August, “First Responder Appreciation Month.” Throughout August, the company is offering complimentary gym memberships to all police, fire, EMS and military personnel, inviting them to work out for free at any Greater Boston location, including Back Bay, Newbury Street, Prudential Center, Downtown Crossing, Beacon Hill, South End, South Station, Fenway, and Government Center.

To any first responders who are already members, they may bring a guest for free workouts throughout August.

Parent company Town Sports International has a long history supporting first responders, dating back to 2003 when the company partnered with the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) to provide memberships for over 10,000 candidates so they had free access to train for the FDNY physical exam – the department’s first exam following the events of  September 11, 2001. The offer complements the recently launched Bravest & Finest workout, a workout inspired by the physical challenges required to become a first responder.

“We recognize the tremendous physical and mental commitment that it takes to be a first responder,” said Michelle Ryan, CMO of Town Sports International. “We are truly grateful to all the men and women who respond without hesitation to protect and serve our neighborhoods and appreciate their daily commitment to keeping us safe.”

The first responders’ complimentary membership at Boston Sports Clubs runs through August 31, 2016. For more information on membership details and club locations, please visit www.mysportsclubs.com.

Pokemon Go in MA


Pokemon Go has taken MA by storm.

I view it as encouragement to take long walks, so I’m in.

My husband & in-laws all play too, so on the day I downloaded the app, my sister-in-law Jen and brother-in-law Doug walked around Milton with me to show me how the game works.

Since then, I’ve hunted for Pokemon in Peabody, Quincy, and Boston.

Pokemon Go is a free cell phone game that uses GPS to make you have to walk to specific location to virtually catch Pokemon. You have to be moving slowly or stopped to catch Pokemon (and I suspect it’s a safety feature. Don’t drive and play Pokemon Go! You’ll end up hurting someone!)

If you have the Augmented Reality (AR) view on, the Pokemon will look like they are in the location you are, using your cell phone camera.

Here’s an example from Boston Magazine of how the AR looks:


There’s a Hypno on the lawn in front of Trinity Church

I’m a level 13 player.

On Sunday, I walked 5.02 miles playing the game and yesterday I walked 5.31 miles playing. I tracked my walking with my Fitbit flex, since the Pokemon Go servers are glitching a bit with the extremely high demand.

I’m having a great time, and every other player I’ve met has been friendly and laughing about the whole Pokemon Go phenomenon.


My husband took this photo of everyone playing Pokemon Go around the Frog Pond in Boston on Monday night

According to my husband, the Frog Pond after work is a huge “Poke party” with everyone playing, someone blaring the Pokemon TV theme from a boombox on repeat, and people cheering when Pokemon Gym ownership changes over. “Go team Mystic!”

Are you playing Pokemon Go? What do you think?

Ditching the Diet, Healthy is Sexy: Nutrition Workshops

My friend Laura wrote a book on nutrition that launched in paperback the week of the Boston Marathon. (Some of you know Laura as the DJ for November Project Boston.)


She’s hosting some free workshops in Boston called Ditching the Diet, Healthy is Sexy: Nutrition Workshops on May 11, May 18, June 1, & June 8.

I’ve already registered for all 4 workshops and I encourage you do the same!

Here’s what I wrote in a Goodreads review of Laura’s book:

Laura nails the argument that healthy is much more important than skinny.

I’m a woman in my 30s that’s successfully dieted, but never kept the weight off in the long run.

Thank you to Laura for writing exactly what I needed to hear to stop blaming myself for my body size and focus on health instead.

Will I see you at the workshops?

Also, if you’re interested in reading Laura’s book, the Kindle version will be free for five days starting tomorrow, 5/5.

Marathon Weekend in Boston

I love marathon weekend in Boston!

The energy and excitement is pulsing through the city.

This year, I staffed the Runner’s World booth at the Boston Marathon Expo on Friday & Saturday before the marathon.


Me & Nick staffing the booth while Bart Yasso signs his book to our right


Grabbed a photo before the expo opened on Saturday


Books for sale – including November Project the book!

I had a great time staffing the booth – selling books, meeting authors, chatting with marathon runners & their families.

On Saturday night, I attended the book launch party for November Project and got the 3 authors to sign the book.

Sunday, I went to a Red Sox game with my Dad. (I bought him tickets for a Christmas present.) The people honored throughout the game were marathon runners and survivors of the 2013 bombing. The pre-game ceremonies had me crying.


Dad & me

Monday, my husband & I cheered just before mile 25 of the marathon. The cheering crowd is a huge part of what makes marathon running in Boston so epic. If a runner has their name written on them on race day, the crowd will cheer their name. This also works with the name of the charity team their running for, or in my case, losing your mind for any runners with November Project gear.

I think my best photo from the day though was when a guy running the marathon stopped to kiss his wife in the crowd before running on.

marathon 2016

Congrats to all the runners out on the course on Monday. You are all amazing!

I’m Still Standing

I mentioned in my photo blogging challenge post for January that 2016 hasn’t been kind to me. I was laid off from a job and also dealt with some health issues.

The health issues continued into February, culminating with a surgery last Saturday.

After the surgery, I was told I could not exercise for a full week.

I’m in the approved zone now, but I’m scared.

What will it be like to be back working out after months off?

Will I be mad at myself if I am only able to climb a few sections of stairs very slowly?

I know my friends at November Project will literally welcome me back with open arms and lots of hugs, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to be back yet.

Right now, I’m taking it hour by hour – but I feel like I’ve turned a corner recovery wise to feel like I should put myself back out there workout wise.