Go for a Walk

New England weather has always been extremely fickle. The joke is “if you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute”.

But even for us, the weather last week was odd! It’s February & we’re used to winter weather. We had a record setting 70 degree & sunny day –  32 degrees and snowing the following day!

While the weather is nice, I’ve been taking my infant out in her stroller.


Here she is with her Grandmother & two aunts at John Paul II park in Dorchester.

Parents in MA – what are your recommendations for stroller friendly walks?

We’ve also gone to the boardwalk on Marina Bay in Quincy & Castle Island in South Boston.

We’re up for learning about other fun routes though!

Parenting with a Punch

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I had my first Mom’s night out thanks to Parenting with a Punch and Drinkable Arts.

I was a little hesitant to leave my 8 week old, but I’m glad I did.


Amanda from Parenting with a Punch was great to hear from.

She specializes in early childhood.

4 Pillars of Parenting With a Punch:

1.) Communicating effectively with your partner and children

2) Owning your energy, mindset, and behavior

3) Parenting on the same page- Teamwork

4) Redesigning Discipline

80% of children’s brains are developed by age 5.



Sherry from Drinkable Arts lead us in a wine glass painting night – with a fun design for Valentine’s Day.

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Thank you to Jackie from Next On Scene for organizing this fun & educational night out.


Becoming Mom

I’m very pleased to announce the birth of my daughter Elise.


Born 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and 19 inches. She’s a small but mighty wonder!


She’s 6 weeks old now & up to 7 pounds!


Her favorite activity is tummy time.

Thanks to Elise for giving me the new title of “Mom”.

I’m in awe of her every day!

Now that she’s sleeping long enough for me to be able to draft a post, I intend to write more about family friendly activities and workouts.