October Photo Blogging Challenge – Get out and play

How did October fly by?

My job is nonprofit fundraising and we’re about to head into the busiest season of donations in the whole year. (Good busy!)

The October Photo Blogging Challenge is “Get out and play!

October with a nearly 4 year old has us appreciating play. I have a wealth of photos to choose from that would fit the theme. The hard part is picking 5.

Playground – free for anyone to use

We celebrated cousin Georgette’s 3rd birthday at a park in Walpole. I was extremely impressed by all the ride on toys at the playground for kids to use. Elise tried out a few.


My daughter finds play everywhere. She loves arranging shells when we visit her grandparents who live on Cape Cod.

Pumpkin Push Up

On the Cape, the town of Chatham hosts “Pumpkin People in the Park” every October.

The displays are always wonderful, but not usually interactive like 2 were this year.

Above, my daughter attempts a “pumpkin push up”


You don’t need any event to play. Here’s my daughter enjoying running on the beach. Later in the day she pretended she was rescuing sea turtle eggs and some adults turned to look. I whispered “they’re imaginary” and the adults smiled and walked on.

Froggy for Halloween

This last picture was in Dorchester at the Pumpkin Parade.

After a fun night of trick or treating and seeing family who were volunteering – Elise and Daddy walk back to the car. I liked her light up shoes and glow bracelet adding to this one.

So there you have my 5 photos.

Looking forward to seeing the other posts from those in the photo blogging challenge.