Stop the Stigma 5K

One mile of my 5k walk (before my phone ran out of battery – oops)

May is mental health awareness month.

I am a firm believer in the “mental health is health” movement.

I am also a proud Major Depression survivor.

That doesn’t just happen and therapy and medication are what helped me. Whatever helps you – get help! Don’t suffer in silence.

Stop the Stigma 5k benefits Interfaith Social Services and their mental health counseling. This is the first time the event had to go virtual – due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I raised $350 and if you would like to donate, visit

I walked on Monday of Memorial Day at Abigail Adams Park in Weymouth. My husband and daughter joined me for some of the walk.

The walk was scenic but a bit surreal due to being in a pandemic still!

Unseasonably cold in May
Coronavirus safety sign
Wait for me Mom!!!
Flowers and water view

I’m glad I am back being active and it’s great to have my daughter involved. (She turns 2.5 this month! I feel like I blinked and time jumped.)

In my work life, I got a new nonprofit fundraising job a week before MA issued their stay at home advisory in March. Working from home (part time) with my daughter home too requires a lot of scheduling around her sleep – but our family of 3 is getting through fine. We’re grateful.