Vivacious Life Retreat – 4/29


Ladies in MA, what are you doing on 4/29?

You should join Vivacious Life for their women’s only one day retreat.

My friend Laura founded this company after writing her book F*ck Skinny.

Here’s the schedule for 4/29:

8:00am-9:00am – Wake-up and Flow Yoga

9:00am-10:00am – Light Breakfast and gathering in the Sun Room

10:15am-11:30am – Welcome and Taming Your Inner Critic with Coach Caitlin Green


12:00pm-1:30pm – Cooking Is Not Rocket Science and Lunch with Chef Danielle DeSiato


2:00pm-3:00pm – The Sweet Science You Need to Break Your Sugar Addiction with Coach Laura J. Ingalls

4:00pm – Check-Out

If you’re interested but cost is an issue, let me know.

Marathon Weekend in Boston

I love Boston Marathon weekend in Boston.

The whole city celebrates!

The residents of MA get extra friendly and help lost tourists and runners and their families visit Boston.

On the Saturday before the marathon, my husband & I headed to the free fitness expo.

Be Boston

I’m wearing my shirt from the BAA 5K on Boston Marathon weekend in 2014

At 2:49 pm there was a moment of silence at the expo in honor of the marathon bombing victims from 2013.

We walked along Boylston Street (Marathon Finish Line) and everything was decked in Boston Marathon colors of blue & yellow.

Another way the city remembers is One Boston Day.

One Boston Day

After the expo, we wandered around the city – catching Pokemon and enjoying the warm weather.

We’re spoiled by how walkable Boston is! Instead of hopping on the subway near Copley Square, we walked up Comm Ave & through the Public Garden to take the subway from Park Street.

I walked 11,433 steps that day – about 4.77 miles.

I took a few other photos on the walk, so we’ll see if any make an appearance for the photo blogging challenge this month.

One of my friends jokingly calls marathon monday, “I’ll totally run a marathon next year!” day. Spectators, myself included, get inspired by the Boston Marathon runners.

For me, it’s the charity runners that inspire.

I like the idea of fundraising for a nonprofit, but I am not a fan of running.

I have a feeling my 10 hour Boston Marathon route time from the Jimmy Fund Walk will be my personal record.

Congratulations to all my friends that ran the Boston Marathon!

Below are just a few of their stories.

Dani ran for Teddy’s Team fighting stroke

Meagan ran for the Last Call Foundation – in honor of fallen firefighters

Hayley ran for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (The back of her shirt said “F*ck Cancer! When it gets tough, remember why you’re running”)

Alain completed the Boston Marathon, while on crutches – He’s also the founder of RACE Cancer Foundation. RACE Cancer Foundation gave out free sunscreen at the Boston Marathon start line.

Photo Blogging Challenge – Four


In honor of the 4th anniversary of the photo blogging challenge, the theme for March photo blogging challenge was “Four”.


Here are 4 delicious Bruschetta from Artu in the North End of Boston


We had a 4 player game of Splender going for family game night


Did you know there are only 4 female Governors in the USA?

The panelists in the photo above all ran for Governor in MA but lost.

Their message was to keep running!

The Boston Globe had a great article on this inspiring night! In Faneuil Hall, a call to service for a new generation of women


Speaking of inspiring women, these are 4 items I bought at The Lady Project Summit last weekend.

All the books were signed by their authors at the Summit.


There are more than 4 trophies here from a weight lifting competition that my brother competed in, but I’m taking some creative license here. 🙂

I’m so proud of my brother David and unbelievably impressed by his weight lifting abilities!

His results for the day were a 465 pound deadlift, 365 pound squat, and 205 pound bench. Just wow!

I was happy to be able to be in the audience to cheer him on.


This monthly photo blogging challenge is facilitated by PJ of the Northeast Bloggers Network.

Thanks for inspiring me to take more photos!