November Project – Week 10 – Celebrating My Birthday with the Boston Tribe

NP_BirthdayWearing a “Happy 30th Birthday” sash at November Project

As usual, November Project was fun this morning!
I’ve been told that people born in August have attention seeking tenancies. I have no idea where people get that from…..(Obviously kidding – I wore a sash during the workout!)

This morning, those of us who weren’t racing but were just looking for a good workout were asked to jog to section 11 and begin at section 10. The goal was to get in at least 3 sets of 10 sections. Jogging back to section 10 when we got to section 1 and finished 10 sections of stairs,

Bojan described the plan as “like a typewriter” which made me chuckle to myself, thinking “I doubt most people here have ever used a typewriter.”

I had hoped that I could get in 30 sections in honor of my 30th birthday – but my legs weren’t moving as fast as I would have liked them to this morning. I got in 21 sections, which isn’t my best, but it’s better than sleeping in and skipping a workout.

Many fellow climbers wished me a “happy birthday” as they passed me and I greatly appreciated this version of support.

I’m looking forward to the photos from today because I know a few different people got pictures of me climbing with my sash.

Birthday’s are a big deal at NP. Just before the group picture, everyone who’s celebrating a birthday is asked to stand. Then, as each of us share our name with the group, the group points and shouts “Boom”. I was overjoyed with my birthday boom this morning! My friend Mike even took the photo above (without me noticing) of just before the “boom”.

I wouldn’t want to celebrate this milestone birthday with anyone else. Thank you November Project for making me a part of your Boston tribe.

NP_Birthday2Me & Jess L. –

my awesome friend/running coach and the woman who got me to #JustShowUp at November Project

One thought on “November Project – Week 10 – Celebrating My Birthday with the Boston Tribe

  1. Pingback: Reflections on 2 years of November Project Boston workouts | Getting Fit in Massachusetts

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